A 5 year-old female mix breed dog presented for left facial swelling. On oral examination, the upper left 4th premolar was found to have a fractured crown with an exposed pulp cavity and gingival swelling surrounding the tooth. The patient was placed on Clindamycin for 2 days duration pending blood work, which was normal despite a neutrophilia.
A fractured tooth with obviously exposed pulp, a discolored tooth, facial swelling, and a draining tract are all indications of endodontic disease. A root canal or extraction must be performed on a fractured or worn tooth with pulp exposure. The owners declined referral to a dentist and elected for extraction of the tooth.
The patient was placed under general anesthesia for a dental cleaning and extraction of the upper left 4th premolar. The veterinarian used the OtoPet-USA Video Otoscope full image lens to take a picture of the broken tooth after the pulp was removed and prior to extraction. This picture was printed for the veterinarian’s records and for the client.
The patient was sent home on Clindamycin for a total of 2 weeks, as well as Rimadyl and Tramadol to control pain and inflammation.
If you have an interesting case that you would like to submit with pictures, please contact Dr. Jessica Melman Bhatia at jessvet3@aol.com.