The Video Vetscope can easily be incorporated into your daily veterinary practice. When used in routine exams, the machine allows clients to engage in the examination and visualization of a condition can support a clients investment in treatment.
The Vetscope probe can be placed into the ears allowing visualization on an exam room screen of otitis externa, otitis media, polpys and foreign bodies. To the right is an image of a ruptured tympanic membrane in a dog brought in for excessive scratching at his ear. Visualization allowed the client to better understand the severity of their pet’s problem.
An eye exam can also be captured with the probe. Clients can see of abnormalities of the eye and even view as far back as the retina. Here is a picture of anterior synechia in a cat’s eye which was discovered during a routine physical examination.
The probe can also be used to view dental disease and gingivitis. Here is an image of a furcation in a lower molar tooth. Clear, magnified images allow the vet to show a client the severity of a problem and helps support electing a dental when recommended. Follow-up pictures after the dental can be satisfying for owners as well.
Further procedures are possible with a sedated patient. These include rhinoscopy and a thorough oral exam, including visualization of the back of the oral cavity. Endoscopic attachments for the probe allow the performance of endoscopy. Forceps inserted through the probe enable biopsies. An ear flush using the Earigator to clear out foreign objects, infection and debris, can also be performed with the patient sedated.
Images like those included in this article can be stored and printed for the client and for the medical record as well.